Spiritualism is the amorous union of Allah’s sayings and the life of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). This ardent love (Ishq) is the extreme pinnacle and also the base of Sufism. The precept and practice of a Sufi always wanders in the horizons of his spiritual Master’s (Sheikh) consent, Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad’s (PBUH) love and Allah’s pleasure. The history of Sufism eulogizes all those great personalities who devoted their lives for the eminence of Islam – the religion of nature and leading the humanity by establishing different chains of Sufism (spiritualism/tasawwuf). The magnificence, elevation and glory of each chain is different. The exalted “Owaisia Chain” is one of them. The approach of Owaisia chain is attributed to the way Hazrat Owais Qarni (R.A) benefitted from the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muahammad’s (PBUH) honored soul in spite of being deprived of apparent meeting.
By command of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the ”Owaisia Kamalia Chain” was inaugurated on April 08, 1984. Through the particular spiritual attention of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), this chain is spreading rapidly in surroundings and performing the duty of cleansing hearts and civilising behaviors. Hazrat Faqir Bagh Hussain (R.A) is the founder of this auspicious chain whereas Hazrat Faqir Tabish Kamal is the present Leader (Sajjada Nasheen) of this Chain. A meeting is convened in DAR UL KAMAL, the formal court of this glorious chain (at Kamal Abad near Shell petrol pump, Pindi road, Chakwal) on every Sunday at 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM in which the eager people come from the length and breadth of the country for quenching the thirst and verdure of their souls.